Welcome to the first book in 'The Colours of Sparkle' series designed to introduce you and your children to the hidden language of colour.

Have you ever wondered what's going on in your child's head? Or searched for the way to begin a conversation about something, maybe about how they're feeling, without being intrusive and them possibly backing off?
This is a beautiful, colourful book for parents to read with their child, that can help them connect through the understanding of the language of colour, even on the days when they don't want to chat.
There are so many things that our colour choices can reveal.
It's such a beautiful way for you to be able to connect more deeply with your children when you understand that hidden language they're showing you, for example, when they pick what to wear or which pencils or crayons they choose to colour in with.
It is a wonderful and inobtrusive way of beginning a conversation about their day or how they are feeling.